Metorik: New Product Stock Velocity Reports

The Metorik team just introduced new product stock velocity reports as well as better customer reports and exports to their ecommerce co-pilot for WooCommerce and Shopify.

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Product Stock Velocity Reports

Product Stock Velocity Reports
Find Out When Products & Variations Will Run Out Of Stock ยฉMetorik

The product stock velocity reports originally suggested by the Metorik users allow you to view the velocity of each product – when they estimate that the product will be sold out based on recent sales history and current stock levels. You will find the new tab at the top of product and variation reports.

Simply select whether you want to look at 30, 60 or 90 sales days to determine the daily gross sales per product.

Then Metorik calculates the estimated days of stock remaining using the average of items sold each day. This then allows you to make important decisions about when to order additional stock. It also allows you to see which products are not performing well and which are exceeding expectations.

Ordering Options
Ordering Options ยฉMetorik

You can order by velocity (gross products sold daily), days of stock, daily items sold, SKU and more.

Better Customer Reports

Customers By Date
Customers By Date Report ยฉMetorik

To improve consistency, customer reports such as Customers by Date now use the date of the first order instead of the join date.

Improved Exports & Saved Export Editing

Export Products
Only Include Products With Sales ยฉMetorik

You can now easily edit the settings for recurring exports allowing you to customise the columns or add custom fields to an existing export. Filter editing will hopefully be available soon as well.

Metorik also made the following improvements to exports:

  • Faster export downloads, especially for larger exports.
  • Setting to only include products/variations/etc. with sales.
  • Setting to only include coupons with usage.
  • More columns in product exports like daily items sold.

Sound interesting?

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