GummySearch: New Trending Subreddits & Similar Communities Features

Just in time for their first birthday, GummySearch added a new trending subreddits feature and a similar community feature to the Reddit audience research tool. Don’t miss the birthday promotion!

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Trending Subreddits

GummySearch released a trending subreddits feature that allows you to track the most active, largest, engaged, and growing communities on Reddit. Quickly browse and filter by community size and growth metric. You can even include related subreddits in new audiences you create from trending communities.

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Similar Communities

They also added a similar communities feature. If you have already created audiences, scroll to the bottom of the Communities section to see similar communities that your target audience also contributes to. You can easily expand your audience with just one click.

GummySearch Birthday Sale: For a few days, the Lifetime deal and a special sale are on again for the monthly, yearly and lifetime plans. Start your free 7-day trial and redeem above coupon code in the subscription settings. Expires on 06 July 2022.

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