Metorik Introduces New Command Center & Product Report Pages

As 2023 draws to a close, Bryce from Metorik has announced a new search command center and product report pages for the ecommerce co-pilot for WooCommerce and Shopify.

New Command Center

Metorik’s Command Center

After releasing its first global search tool 5 years ago, the Metorik team has finally revamped it into a whole new search command center.

To open the command center, click on the search button in the top navigation or use the keyboard shortcut command/control + K. Use your keyboard to navigate the results or hover over them to see a preview of each order, customer, etc. for the product. Type / (slash) to access commands such as creating digests, switching stores, or viewing specific reports.

New Product Report Pages

Product Report Page
Product Report Page ©Metorik

Metorik has also added single report pages for all product vendors and brands, product types and custom product segments.

This gives you a full page for each brand or segment with a sales chart, per product stats, grouped by stats, profit margins and sales by day/hour – you can also filter the report using hundreds of order filters.

Whatโ€™s More?

In other news, Metorik has also introduced an unsubscribe management API for Metorik Engage. Finally, they have also added a new best sellers past x days option for Engage email builder products tool.


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