Spaces Engine For BuddyBoss Now Supports ACF

Spaces Engine has just introduced support for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), making the plugin a true super customizable directory solution for your BuddyBoss community. In addition, they introduced a new Power widget.

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ACF Integration

You can now finally take your Spaces to the next level with custom fields and filters powered by Advanced Custom Fields. They support most of the field types, including text, text area, number, range, email, URL, image, select, checkbox, radio button, and true/false.

Hopefully they will support Meta Box in addition to ACF in the future.

New Power Widget

Spaces Power Widget
Widget With Map & Contact Details ©Spaces Engine

The new Power widget is a Space’s one-stop shop for all kinds of contact information. A Space owner can easily display a map, address, contact details including phone number and email address, and social links there, as well as a custom field group (see above).

What’s Next?

The Spaces Engines team has confirmed that it will develop integrations for The Events Calendar Pro including the Community Events add-on and WP Jobs Manager.

Once this is complete, they will begin developing custom tabs for Spaces Engine that can be managed by site admins.

Some good news for customers of the BuddyBoss App: According to the founder of Blockli, integration with Spaces is possible!

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