Better Uptime Now Supports Custom JavaScript In Status Pages

Things got a bit quiet at Better Uptime at the end of last year. But that was just the calm before the storm! The new year starts with an exciting update that improves the status pages of the uptime monitoring platform.

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Custom JavaScript For Status Pages

Custom JavaScript
Personalize Status Pages With JavaScript ยฉBetter Uptime

Do you want to embed a live chat widget to communicate with your customers during downtime? Or analyze the traffic trends of your status page with your favourite web analytics tool, such as HockeyStack, Fathom, Plausible, Usermaven or Google Analytics?

With the newly deployed update, you can finally add JavaScript snippets to your status page!

Simply add custom JavaScript at Status Pages > Configure > Advanced Settings.

Automated Maintenance Communication

Status Update Email
Status Update Email ยฉBetter Uptime

Do you have a scheduled maintenance that you need to announce? Worry no more! When you create a maintenance via your status page, all your subscribers will receive an email with the heads-up!

You can easily schedule a new maintenance at Status Pages Configure > Maintenance.

Automated Status Page Reports & Updates

Status Page Report
Add Status Page Reports & Updates With API ยฉBetter Uptime

Would you like to automate your status page reports and updates? For all your monitors at once?You can now create and update individual reports via the Status Page Reports API.

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