EDD Rolls Out 10 New Gutenberg Blocks & Email Summaries

The developers of Easy Digital Downloads have just shipped version 3.1 with 10 new Gutenberg blocks, email summaries, a required login option, enhanced reporting, and much more.

New Features

Easy Digital Downloads is on a mission to make digital ecommerce on WordPress as easy as possible. With this major update, they are definitely on the right track! Let’s take a look at all the new features.

  • 10 New Gutenberg Blocks:
    • Buy Button block: You can add a CTA for a single product, with variable pricing and show/hide the price. Great for product landing pages.
    • Order History block: Unlike the previous Purchase History shortcode and its list-style table, the Order History block displays orders in a clear, responsive grid with a custom amount of columns. Also support the Software Licensing, Invoices, and Simple Shipping add-ons.
    • Products block: Products are also still displayed in a grid, but in a more flexible layout, including pagination, Order by options, options to toggle on/off featured images, prices, and more.
    • Registration Form block: You can use the block to limit access to members-only content. It supports reCAPTCHA and comes with a Custom Redirect URL option.
    • Login Form block: It provides more detailed control over redirecting customers after login and comes with a full password reset flow. Also, it can replace wp-login.php.
    • Download Terms block: Similarly to the Products block, this block displays products based on the download categories or tags.
    • Receipt block: This block should be used on the Receipt page. It also supports guest purchases.
    • Confirmation block: It should only be used on the Confirmation page after users have completed the checkout process. This page can also be used for conversion tracking.
    • Cart block: You either show the cart as a mini cart or as a detailed cart with more details such as the itemized list with thumbnails, product titles and prices.
    • Checkout block (in beta): EDD have streamlined the checkout experience by reordering checkout fields, improving the user context detection, redesigning the payment method picker, and more.
  • Email Summaries:
    You can now send weekly or monthly performance reports to admins or store managers by email.
  • Require Login for Downloads:
    Easy Digital Downloads has also added a new option that requires users to log into their account before they can access downloads.
  • Enhanced Report Filtering:
    Previously, EDD only provided This Month/Last Month filteringย options. In version 3.1 they have added more detailed views and filtering options, e.g. Quarter to Date and compared to Previous Quarter.
  • Purchase Button Colours:
    EDD introduced color pickers for purchase buttons.
  • New Receipt Tag:
    They have registered a newย {receipt}ย tag that leads to the Receipt page and uses โ€œView Receiptโ€ as the anchor text. It allows customers to view their receipt, regardless of the status of their browser session.
  • New โ€View Receiptโ€ Link:
    The order history table in the admin now contains a link to view the receipt.

In other news, Easy Digital Downloads have renamed the Success page to Confirmation page and added reCAPTCHA settings for the lost password and the registration forms to Downloads > Settings > Misc. Previously, this required the use of the Checkout Fields Manager extension.


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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