Tag customer segmentation


Metorik Revamps Compare Products Report

In February, the Metorik team released new features and improvements on a daily basis for their WooCommerce and Shopify “Store co-pilot”. Let’s take a look at some of the bigger ones including the revamped Compare Products report. Start Your 30…


Metorik: New Segmenting Filters & Tags Support

Metorik just released a couple of new features for their WooCommerce and Shopify “Store co-pilot” including new segmenting filters and support for tags. Start Your 30 Day Free Metorik Trial » New Features Tags SupportYou can now segment tags, export…


AutomateWoo: New WooCommerce Subscriptions Features & Mailchimp Tags

AutomateWoo just announced the release an update to their powerful WooCommerce marketing automation tool. AutomateWoo 4.8 is shipped with new WooCommerce Subscriptions features, MailChimp tags, and performance improvements. Get Marketing Automation For WooCommerce » AutomateWoo 4.8 This big plugin update…