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Usermaven: New Default Reporting Period & Live View

The Usermaven team has just announced various new features for their privacy-friendly, cookieless web and product analytics platform. This includes a new default reporting period, live view, “All Workspaces” statistics, and more. New Features Let’s take a look at the new features: Default Reporting Period: Usermaven now allows you to choose the default reporting period for web analytics and product insights. To do this, simply navigate to Workspace Settings > Miscellaneous and select the desired time range, e.g. last 30 days, last quarter, last month, month to date or today. Live View: There is now a new live option in web analytics to see visitor activity on your website in real time. Your dashboard is automatically refreshed after 30 seconds and displays the activities of the last 30 minutes. Manual refreshes are finally a thing of the past! This is particularly handy if you are running a high traffic campaign and want to see the statistics in real time. All Workspaces Statistics: In the “All Workspaces” dashboard, you can now view all your workspace statistics in a compact, detailed view. Simply click on the Show statistics option. Improved Detailed View: Previously, the detail view only contained information about visitors, but now Usermaven has added some additional information such as the number of visitors, pageviews, bounce rate, and visit duration. This way you can find out which pages are not performing as expected and make the necessary improvements. Conversion-Related Stats Upon Goal Selection: When a conversion goal is selected, the dashboard is customised to automatically display conversion-related statistics. You can see the number of conversions, conversion rate, top sources, top website pages, locations, etc. In Usermaven, the top sources now group similar referrers such as and for instance to Google. For further drill down, simply click on the source and see which referrer source generates the most traffic to your website. In addition, web analytics queries are now based on sessions as opposed to unique visitors as in the past. Lastly, Usermaven lets you add multiple domains to a single workspace at Workspace Settings > General. However, they recommend that only those domains related to the same business be placed in a single workspace. Live View Live View Reporting Period Default Reporting Period All […]

Usermaven Introduces Company-Level Funnels, Segments & Insights

Over the past few weeks, the Usermaven team has been busy adding new features to its privacy-friendly, cookieless web and product analytics platform. Meet company-level funnels and segments, funnel step orders, company-level insights, and much more. User & Company-Level Funnels Company-Level Funnels ©Usermaven Usermaven now allows you to create funnels at both user and company level. You can use visitor-level funnels for website improvement and optimisation, tracking the journey of website visitors from first interaction to conversion. User-level funnels provide valuable insights that lead to product improvement and optimisation by focusing on individual user behaviour and tracking each user’s journey through the funnel stages. Company-level funnels allow you to identify overall trends and patterns in user behaviour and make data-driven decisions about how to optimise the product for the majority of users. Funnel Step Orders Funnel Step Order ©Usermaven Funnel step order describes the sequence of steps or stages in a funnel a user must go through to complete a specific action or conversion goal. Strict order: If you only want to measure users who have completed the steps in your funnel in the exact order, with no other events in between. Sequential order: If you want to measure users who have completed the steps in your funnel in the specified order, even if they have triggered other events in between. Shareable Funnels Shareable Funnels ©Usermaven You can now share your funnel with team members or clients by clicking the Share button located in the detailed view of a funnel. Company-Level Insights Company-Level Insights ©Usermaven Previously, you could only view insights at the user level. However, the Product Insights module now includes company-level analysis to help you easily identify trends and behaviours. You can switch between user and company-level reports at Workspace Settings > Miscellaneous. Similar to user-level reports, you can also export company information. Visitor & Company-Level Segments Company-Level Segments ©Usermaven Visitor Segments allows you to filter […]

Usermaven Introduces New Engagement Column in Contacts Hub

Waqar from Usermaven has just released a new update to its privacy-friendly, cookieless and no-code web and product analytics platform, introducing a new engagement column in the Contacts Hub, an improved Product Insights UX and funnels, and more. New Engagement Column The new Engagement column provides an overview of four different engagement levels in the Contacts Hub: Highly Active Moderately Active Low At Risk (exclusive to Users & Companies) Engagement is measured by multiplying the number of events by the ratio of active days within the last 30 days to 30. For recently registered users, engagement is determined by looking at the date they registered on the platform and counting the number of events they’ve participated since then. Improved Funnels Funnel Window ©Usermaven Usermaven now allows you to set the window size for your funnel, which determines the amount of time in days, hours and minutes a user has to complete the funnel steps. For example, if you set the window size to 14 days, the user will have 14 days to complete the funnel steps. Users who don’t complete the steps within this time span will not be counted in the funnel. The Usermaven funnel module now has a new compaction feature. Previously, in a funnel sequence such as Step A > B > B > C > D, the strict mode would encounter problems due to the adjacent repetition of Step B. With the new compaction feature, such repetitions are handled effectively. If you use […]